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Label the advantages of Web Offset Printing

In the label printing, semi-rotary reciprocating feeding rotary offset printing and full equipment is a new type of printing, used for combination printing, the printing process also applies to separa......

Browsing times15925 Date:2011:2011-10-28 Author:admin

Yellow ink printed notes of

As one of the three primary colors of yellow, seems to be different from other colors. Because offset printing, most of the yellow ink as the first color to print. To this end, yellow version of the i......

Browsing times10430 Date:2011:2011-10-28 Author:admin

After the cutting edges of the printing problems

Finishing in a carton die cutting is an important process, cutting a direct impact to the final molding tray. For the printing process of the cutting edges and appear easy to tear easily torn mouth, w......

Browsing times9490 Date:2011:2011-10-28 Author:admin

Will the magic printing knowledge

Question:Will the magic printing knowledge. Answer:according to your description, the so-called magic color printing should be printed. online information can be found broadly similar, hope to inspir......

Browsing times9492 Date:2011:2011-10-28 Author:admin

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